The PR2000 Precision Profiler profiles the thickness of a strip of a non-conductive material such as a plastic film or a nonwoven. These thickness profiles can determine cross web and down web (transverse direction and machine direction) thickness variability for the material, and are now the standard for defining the variability of plastic film.
It is commonly used for quality control in the plastic film industry to characterize the thickness and thickness variability of plastic film. It can also be used in the production environment to make adjustments to the extruder.
– Guaranteed highest levels of precision and accuracy
– Guaranteed to hold calibration
– Important features, including %Plus™ and SpotPlot™
– Goes beyond beta gauge technology
– Your gateway to unlimited process and product analysis for plastic film production
%Plus™ mode provides a simple way to characterize your material with no calibration set up requirement. The SpotPlot™ mode turns your Precision Profiler™ into a non-contact digital micrometer, with full computational and computer support. The Run Feature includes Auto-Stop and Auto-Exclude for seams and splices when checking finished product. The software runs on standard Windows operating systems. Cut and paste your data in to other applications, or print out screens and reports for your customers – or for your own analysis. Data may also be exported directly to Excel spreadsheets.
The unit includes many special features for the blown film, cast film and biaxial oriented film (BOPP, BOPE) markets.
The PR2000 is not just limited to measuring thin films. It can measure the thickness of thick and rigid materials using custom measurement heads. Heads can be used to measure sheet as thick as 0.2 inches/5 mm
We know quality matters to you, and The Precision Profiler™ lets you see the quality of your process like never before. It gives you an advantage by showing you where you need to make adjustments in your process, and analyzing your material for variability. It measures the sample every 0.125″ and creates a complete profile of the material’s thickness. It can help you reduce your scrap and help your quality assurance team prevent out of spec product from reaching your customers.
If you are a purchaser of material, you can also use the PR2000 for incoming product inspection of plastic films and packaging materials. Many of our customers use our product to find quality defects in plastic films before they ever become an issue.
If you are unsure about your application, SolveTech offers sample testing to determine if your application is a good fit for our measurement technology. Contact us here to discuss your gauging application with our experts.
ASTM Standards: D8136 – Test Method For Determining Plastic Film Thickness and Thickness Variability Using a Non-Contact Capacitance Thickness Gauge, D6988
View the Technical Data Sheet: PR2000 Technical Specifications
CE Approved
Weight and Dimensions
The PR2000 is the basis for the newly released ASTM Standard D8136 for measuring the thickness and variability of plastic film and sheet.
November 2017: Converter Quarterly Magazine:
October 2017: ASTM Newsroom:
October 2017: Plastics Technology Magazine :
June 2017: EPPM Magazine :
From the ASTM Newsroom :
Plastics Technology Magazine:
EPPM Magazine:
Have a question or would you like to request a quotation? Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with shortly.
Measuring the thickness of plastic film is just the first step. The next question is what do you do with the data? We have advanced data management features that can help you harness the power of the data you are collecting.
This can aid your continuous improvement efforts because you can compare line to line, plant to plant using an ASTM standard to define plastic film variability.
To learn more, contact us at We offer sample testing on this unit to prove the thickness gauge’s performance.
Thickness Gauging | Plastic Film Thickness Profiler | Measure Plastic Film Thickness | Plastic Film Thickness Gauge
SolveTech, Inc.